No Win No Fee, or No Foal No Fee, in Personal Injuries and Medical Negligence Cases

No Win No Fee Solicitors Ireland
Understandably, many clients worry about the costs involved in initiating a personal injuries claim and query whether the case can be progressed on a ‘no foal no fee basis.’
  • The Law Society of Ireland and the Legal Services Regulatory Authority regulate solicitors in Ireland and have implemented certain rules which govern the manner in which Irish Solicitors can advertise. The terms ‘No Foal No Fee’ and ‘No Win No Fee’ are strictly prohibited in the context of advertising, as it can be misleading.
    However, financial restraints should not prohibit a client from their right to justice.
    Accordingly, many Solicitors will operate on a contingency basis, or on the basis of a conditional fee in some cases.
  • The specifics of the arrangement will obviously vary but the basic guiding principle is that the solicitor will agree to defer collection of legal fees until their client’s case has concluded. They will not recover legal fees for the work they have carried out if the claim is not successful.  
    It is crucial to discuss and understand the specific terms of the agreement with your solicitor upfront. If you instruct Brigid O’Donnell Solicitors to represent you, we will provide you with a clear written breakdown of the manner in which fees arise and are calculated. 
    *In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.

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No Win No Fee Solicitors Ireland

January 12, 2025|PERSONAL INJURY|

The terms 'No Foal No Fee' and 'No Win No Fee' are strictly prohibited in the context of advertising, as it can be misleading. However, financial restraints should not prohibit a client from their right to justice. Accordingly, many Solicitors will operate on a contingency basis, or on the basis of a conditional fee in some cases.

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